KVINTA's solution is compatible with various existing or prospective regulatory systems, including NIS MPT (ASL Belgisi), IS MPT, GIS MT (ChestniyZNAK), providing compliance with traceability regulations worldwide.
KVINTA provides a versatile platform for integration with various external partners, including manufacturers (MAHs), contract manufacturing organizations (CMOs) and third-party logistics providers (3PLs). All pre-configured external interfaces are available "out of the box."
KVINTA created to integrate seamlessly into your IT landscape and to collaborate with any system: certified manufacturing execution system (MES), enterprise resource planning (ERP), warehouse management system (WMS) and electronic data interchange (EDI).
KVINTA provides a fully-featured mobile solution that seamlessly switches between online and offline operation for environments with poor connectivity.
KVINTA makes the use of electronic digital signatures fully transparent. All documents are signed and sent automatically, without user participation. Storing electronic digital signatures in a protected cloud eliminates the need for physical issuance and minimizes the risks of improper use.
KVINTA schedules and generates individual serial numbers, orders crypto codes, and sends information about their use to the reporting system. Interaction with external service providers, such as printing houses, is possible for the usage of code pre-printed packages if approved by relevant regulators.
KVINTA monitors the status and relationships between messages, initiates resending in case of failures, and manages the queue.
KVINTA offers automatic or manual integration to meet any manufacturer or CMO requirements for data exchange.
At the heart of KVINTA's project delivery expertise is the extensive experience of handpicked partners. These teams have implemented complex projects worldwide, providing the best delivery service with KVINTA. No need to change the bussines processes for Kvinta and changing regulation, Kvinta will be tuned instead.
В основе экспертизы по доставке проектов KVINTA лежит обширный опыт тщательно отобранных партнеров. Эти команды реализовали сложные проекты по всему миру, обеспечивая максимально качество внедрения решений. При этом наш стандартный подход при внедрении маркировки - минимальное вмешательство в существующие бизнес-процессы. Нет необходимости подстраиваться под новое решение и постоянно меняющиеся требования к маркировке - вместо этого Kvinta будет настроена соответствующим образом.